IPL Laser Skin Treatment

Our appearance can greatly impact on how we feel about ourselves, and while both the pleasure and stresses of life, along with the simple passage of time, tend to cause our skin to appear older, we can help you do something about it.

IPL - Intense Pulse Light is at the forefront of skin rejuvenating and Mens Body Works is proud to provide you this with cutting edge technology provided by Spectrum Science.

Utilising the combined energy of Light and Heat, our system treats pigmented and vascular lesions,skin aging effects and fine lines, wrinkle, sagging skin, acne and pitting quickly, efficiently and without any downtime.

It is also removes body and facial hair long term.

It is a completely non-invasive, non-abrasive treatment with no recovery time: simply walk in and out.

How it works is simple: To reverse sun damage like age spots and spider veins, for example, IPL emits a very low and ultra-safe wave of light. The light generates heat that is drawn to the darker pigmentation in the targeted lesions. The heat then raises the temperature inside the lesion, thereby damaging it. The body's natural healing process works to remove the lesion, which then simply scabs and drops off or is absorbed by the skin.

Prior to commencing treatment a consultation and Q&A with your attending therapist will be performed. This will determine if you are a candidate and don't present any contra-indicators.

You and your therapist will then be the best prepared for your treatment and more importantly the comfort and knowledge in knowing that there will not be any concerns.

 What it can do for you:

  • Reduce blood vessels and facial redness, such as broken capillaries, rosacea
  • Eliminate pigment/brown spots, freckles, age and sun spots on the face, hands, neck and v-chest.
  • Eliminate and/or fade scaring and acne scarring
  • Clear acne and prevent more
  • Refine potted skin and open pores
  • Tighten skin around the face, jaw-line, jowls, chin and neck.
  • Remove facial and body hair.

What the procedure involves:
Depending on the treatment you are undergoing, several sessions are necessary for the best and most permanent results, with weekly intervals in between.
No anaesthetic is required and our advanced unit by Spectrum Science has its own coolling system in a bid to reduce discomfort. 
When the devise fires, there is a bright flash followed by a brief sting, similar to a rubber band flick. Protective eyewear is required as the reflective light can be bright.

 After Treatment:
The treated area may be red and slightly sensitive for a few hours and there may be associated swelling (around the eyes and backs of hands) and mild scabbing of   targeted spots, but they will settle within hours and/or days.

Treated areas, spots in particular, will darken indicating that the treatment has worked. These pigmented spots will further darken in the next few days and gradually work their way up to the skin surface and then fade  after approximately 7 days.

Please call Angie on 9429-5400 for more information. We welcome you to come in for a no-obligation consultation.